Happy Family
The hardest hits are those that you don't see coming.

Well, when the great schism of my household occurred, I was ready, I was braced for the impact. Well, as braced as anyone can be, I suppose, for such a behemoth of a fuck-up to hit. That was early last summer. I cried the night he told me, not because I needed to, but because I wanted to. It was strange for me at the time, I knew I should cry, I thought I'd somehow be better off... which I suppose I was, because I handled it pretty well. Pretty well minus the fact that I got into a fight with a kid I had never met on the third day of school, but that was it.

My dad was always the best of the best. Never gave a shit about nothin' that didn't matter. He never smiles in pictures, he has no need of a fake smile. He makes fun of those whose only love is to cut the grass and fuck their wife and watch ESPN. Those who ignore the needs of the children, those needs that mother nature has given them herself. He is who he is. My idol. My pop. He moved out last August, and was strong. His biggest concern, of course, was me and my two kiddie sisters. He called often, asking about how I was, if I needed anything etc. I was always cool, I mean, I learned from the best right? It has been said that in the battle of the rock and river, the river always wins: not out of strength, but persistence. Well, time grinded away at the rock and slowly but surely he is starting to smoothen along the edges. Horribile dictu. I've been staying strong, for now I'm a man in his eyes, and may soon become his support.
His life was his family. I'll repeat for emphasis: He had no life save his family. His priorities had no need to be checked by an online "Are you really happy?" quiz. He is my pop, and I love him.
So this stays with me wherever I go now, it has become my baggage that I'd always wanted to never have. So tonight, I'm looking through some old pictures, looking for a particular of Jordan, Ben, my mom, and me at King's Island on the Vortex. And I find the bombshell. Happy family.

Pictures: My grandfather, known as deda. My pop, with his god-daughter, Stephanie. Happy family.
Okay so I just read this post, and it fucked me up, but in a good way. It honestly had an affect on me. Wow. That's pretty much all I can say about that.
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