I found myself receiving a text tonight. It told me that the sender felt that it is in my best interest to never speak to him/her again.
Now, initially, my reaction was what the fuck? Then I started searching the memory banks for what I might've done to cause this. Nothing came up. But then again, I found that I didn't much care. I mean, this is the same old for me. If it turned out the other forty times that I didn't care, why shouldn't I just skip the everything and arrive at the next level.
I did that, and then started thinking about how much I detest this sort of thing. Since the only meaning life has is the meaning I give it, then the same must be true for the ideals of life. Good and evil. I suppose I would say that good is love. But that's fuckin' stupid. Good is bullshit. There is no such thing as good, there is humane and there is evil. Humane is wanting humanity to grow and evolve. Civilization is good. We've grown and evolved from using rocks to smash nutshells to having three personalities and developing the art of smiling through one's teeth. Fuck that and fuck you. The opposite of civilization is the Roman idea of impius. Impius is the absolute evil. Irrationality. Do not let yourself be overwhelmed by it.
Humanity is not white. We are not perfect, we are not meant to act like it.
I saw Dave Chappelle's Block Party tonight, and I loved it. I have things to say further, but I don't have any reason to type the shit for you fuck sticks to read.
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