11 November 2005

Yes Sir, No Sir

Wow, what a mood I was in last night, eh? Ho ho, yes sir. Mr. Tatlock has always been The Man, that's right, just try it, it's spearmint! (.05%er). Anywho, I am a physical person, I like to push and hug my friends, along with similar contact with the opposite sex. Today, brushes occurred, fortifying my disposition to lean toward "I'm right, and I've always fuckin' been right," which has been proven in several instances. I also bear similarity to Franz Kafka in my relationships, which is not good, not good at all, no sir.

This here is the key. Like tetris, many things are affected by this one block falling in place. It's the difference between a high score and game over. This weekend will be different. I believe so, yes sir. I sure could do with a visit to/ from my older counterparts in Terra Haute, yes Mr. Tatlock sir, no Mr. Tatlock sir, I'm swimming. Happy Veterans' Day, and good luck to our spell-bowl team as they compete at State tomorrow!


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