08 July 2006

I Love My Brother

X: Listen man, I'm hot tempered always have been and always will be, I got pissed because I got ditched on the trip by you and blair, in myhead youtwo were conspiring against me but then again that's the reason I drink, now that I have been drinking it all seems very foolish, I'm sorry for the asshole shit from when we were drinking friday and I'm sorry for the asshole insinuations I made after I felt betrayed, the thing is I probably wasn't betrayed but my head is always fucking with me like that, I could explain it but it's a lot of words,

basically, I'm sorry for being a childish asshole and I shouldn't ever really get angry at family


At 18/8/06 6:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.


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