Chapter 7 Section 2
Back by popular demand, but only til Monday night It's the used car acquisition sale! (I hate those fucking commercials)

There are so many types, you can't know what you want.... ever. There are many many shapes, sizes, and colors, and believe it or not, two different gloves may fit the same hand. I always thought that opposites attracted, until I met the opposite of me. Far from attracted, I was repulsed, and it drove me to the brink of homicide. I call this life "Home." But that's not what this is about. This is about my realization that not only must everything not be different, but they cannot match either. One's life cannot be completely of the same hue. We are left, once again, with the idea of moderation. The golden middle.
Physics tells us that a pendulum that swings 20cm horizontal left will swing almost 20 cm right. It then will go back left agian, but to a lesser extreme. What I do is apply. I learn the formulae yeah, who doesn't? Now I may botch one or two up on a quiz or something, but what I do is apply. This pendulum, applied, leads me to believe that a girl must have the extreme similarities, and the extreme differences. Only there is the middle road found, because 1+1=2. Were not Baucis and Philemon separate people when they met?
Love the bees
the air
the birds
and the breeze
the good
the bad
the sky
and the trees
that which you see
that which you hear
that which you love
and that which you fear.
Tempus fugit.
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