11 September 2006

Personal Trauma

I have an autobiography due sometime this semster in English 108. I have made a promise to my roomate to write the best paper that I am able to write. What else is new? I know, but this time may be different. If I'm happy with what I write, I'll post it here. He said it might be due in two weeks, or it might be due at the end of the semester, he doesn't care, he just doesn't want to rush anyone. He's after well written work, and I plan to deliver.

06 September 2006


Difficulty comes in sixes.

Bad luck comes in threes.

Define and why.

I was once deplored for my tendency, when searching for answers, to break down and analyze. It was always the core of my smugness and source of my logic. Then, after, it ceased to be. It was then another nasty vibration, a sickening pulse trying to throw my drummer boy off his beat. And thus it continued to be.

Until today. Mr. King's english class has become what Mrs. Schwickrath's class was in high school: the necessary aggregate of my goddamn stereobate.

Now, my questions of what, how, and why have emerged as important as I always felt.