28 February 2006

Feb 28

My dad is the blue-ribbon mother fucker.

The only battle you are guaranteed to lose is the battle fought against your biology.

My mother sucks at life.

Who wins? Life is determined by choices.

23 February 2006


This is what I have to remember this day by. It was a good time.

letmelive82: hahaha
letmelive82: man who told you some shit?
AlbusV: mandy
letmelive82: how the fuck does she know
AlbusV: shes in your class
letmelive82: ah hell nah
letmelive82: she aint shit
AlbusV: you know what
AlbusV: YOU aint shit
letmelive82: haha yeah
letmelive82: he kicked me out yesterday and today
letmelive82: pft
letmelive82: dick
AlbusV: hahaha
AlbusV: because you're late?
letmelive82: well
letmelive82: yesterday it was because i was being funny
letmelive82: he was like "what is that sound??"
letmelive82: because of the roof noises
AlbusV: hahaha
letmelive82: and i was just like "ummm I think we've got some uhh construction, yeah i think they're doing contruction THIS year"
AlbusV: hahahahaha
AlbusV: you funny
letmelive82: and he picked up a chair and put it outside and told me to sit out there
letmelive82: and then today i came in late
AlbusV: oh shit dude
AlbusV: hahahahaha
AlbusV: i like this story
letmelive82: so he was all "blah blah blah i'm a fucking dick shit...you wanna make me blow up in front of you whole class on you?"
letmelive82: and i was like "man, i thought you still wanted me to sit outside like yesterday, so i was sitting out there!"
letmelive82: and he said "just go to the gym area and sit before i go crazy"
letmelive82: and then fucking mandy rutherford
letmelive82: knocks my shit off my desk
letmelive82: and i hell "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?>:o"
letmelive82: and he just says ''hartman! just go!"
letmelive82: so i left
AlbusV: hahahahaha
letmelive82: and did push ups all period
AlbusV: hahahahahahah
letmelive82: haha man
letmelive82: i was tired
AlbusV: goddamn
letmelive82: haha yeah fuck that dick
letmelive82: kicking me out all the time

16 February 2006

February 16

Sectionals. I went a career best 1.08.51 in the breast.... I'm unsatisfied. Nobody to blame but myself. I did go a 25.62 in the 50, which is also a pr. Swimming is finished. Now, I am listening to Modest Mouse.... reminds me of tatlock. I found myself looking around my classroom sixth hour, I couldn't concentrate, I felt claustrophobic for the first time in my life. I said "I need to get out of here," thrice, out loud. Nobody paid attention, which is to be expected because it's common to witness me spontaneously burst out laughing or speaking to no one in particular.

Please..... someone. Get me the fuck out of here.

06 February 2006

The Brotherhood

I have no intention of losing. This great war is of fantastic importance to me, and I will come out the victor. There are so many things, so many faces and thoughts and lies most of all. An assault on fifty men with a force of five is doomed to failure. What we five need is superior strategem. This is simple, yet I'm no Syme (Orwell's 1984) and have no intention of giving up my own intelligence.

What I can say that I see through you, in fact, I can see what is buried a yard beneath your feet. Only ideas are indestructible, and only through unwavering loyalty can we five overcome. But we can. It won't happen in a day, the results may be in one year, or one thousand, but mark my words, the swine will be dealt with.

I like to think that I get along with people, in fact, I'll go so far as to say that I like people, but I have no problem turning my back on you. There is no faster and more sure way of losing my respect than letting me see you a snake. I'll think of you as a snake, and therefore, you surrender all hope of being treated as a human being. Panem et Circones. Open your eyes!! This is all in vain, for I'm either imploring a pig to fly, or I'm preaching to the choir.

I love you, and I hate you. Kindness ought not be confused with weakness.... I'm just afraid that we've gotten to the point that words are not enough, only violence is understood.

Sic transit gloria mundi.

03 February 2006


What I have to say on the subject is very simple, yet uber-relative.

It is this: =1/r^2.

And that's my post.

Now, it's time to listen to Ignition.