Songs of the Doomed: Verse Two
A degree of conformity is absolutely necessary, indeed. But Goddamn! easy on the popped collars and identical speech and thought. I implore one and all, from G-dub to Kanye West's friends down in Mississippi, to use the eight pound mass your skull protects to THINK FOR YOURSELF. I"m destroyed to watch many whom would rather write down an idea than process it. It'll make studying immensely easier if you understand the concept to begin with. This is elementary business, kids, and you're making me feel like a goddamn retard when I try to explain this novel idea. Ugh, I'm disgusted. Ah yes, conformity, I think it's nice that those who do read often times liken themselves to favorite characters and start a week or two of changed behavior. This makes me laugh, because we should be too old for THAT by middle school. But, we do not learn to read until the sixth grade, so it seems we're right on a proportional schedule. No one will write a book based on a character trying in vain to be the hero of a story written fifty years ago (notice vain, I do not want anyone pissed off). Take, for instance, the ancient epics. [Homer] composed the epics Iliad and Odyssey about 800 years before Jesus. Just before the turn of the first recorded millennium (b.c. to a.d.), Virgil wrote The Aeneid. The epic hero was called Aeneas, and he did NOT constantly worry "what would Odysseus do?" because he used his big sexy brain to fucking think. So stop pissing me off with your petty antish problems and oblivious wandering through the half-century or so we have left on this doomed planet. Fight the laziness, fight the trivialities, and most of all when you see some bullshit on M-TV, tell your television and anyone watching to go fornicate themselves with a cell phone or whatever those people get off on. Amate aut morite! Oh, last thing, ah shit I forgot. Sonofa bitch! Yes! I remember. Ok, last thing, I was fighting most vigorously the sleepiness in government today, so I did not express my views. But the subject of discussion was Justice, and all these religious types vocalized their thoughts that anyone who was caught drinking should not be allowed on Maycourt or National Honors Society (don't tell me there's an apostrophe), now personally, I can't be bothered to give a shit about either one of them, but I was struck by something Joaquin Phoenix (Johnny Cash in Walk the Line) so splendidly articulated to the record label guy (accurate?). He said something to the effect that those who could not forgive were not real Christians, like he is. And I'm here in Smith's class, watching all these Jesus-freaks express their wish to lock up all these Humans who drink/ drank underage. What a world has been pulled before their eyes, eh? I'm no devout Christian, for I am agnostic, but I firmly believe that I am a better person than 96.4% of those who slavishly go to worship every Sunday at nine and put their $20 in the plate. Our society has such a massive hard-on for labels, druggie, alchy, jerk, etc... Why have we lost the ability to relate to our fellows? Man, I had much to say on the subject, but I bathed in my bile and my less-than-loving thoughts have left as a result. Thus ends the Strange November.
GW and West, like every other hard working American, are managing resources. They work to hold favor in public opinion, although W isn't succeeding as of late. The act of manipulating one's image is easily detected by the critical eye, however, most don't possess that eye. They adhere to conditioned rules of conduct and demonic rituals... Sit, stand, sing, kneel, open your mouthe I'm going to put something white inside, pray and genuflect... These sheep are lead by swine, and the swine by wolves.
Oh stefan, how i love thee! Even though sometimes i may disagree with you, this post is absolute perfection. I would elaborate but i have much to do on this night.
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