In these past four years, I have learned many things. Yet, what I've learned has taken the back seat to the process, the ability and desire to learn. Many lessons have made their way into the warm gray matter of my brain and have embedded themselves underneath the hard cold concrete of my foundation, like a worm living its life beneath a driveway. You must be the strongest person you know, because God Helps a man who Helps himself.
Never fight against who you are. Only the hardest creeps and craziest loons can win the fight against Nurture, but not even Jesus could win the fight against Nature. You are who you are, and it is as that person and that person only that you will ever conquer yourself and others. Self awareness is your ticket to grabbing the wolf that is life by the ears and hanging on for dear life, lest you have the sick desire to be ripped to bloody shreds and force your young parents to bury their child before his time. There are many enemies, and they can, will, and shall enjoy destroying every fiber of muscle, every plate of bone, and every powerful idea that holds your existence together.
Stealth will ever get more done than a stick, but some Enemies can only understand the pitchfork and burning torch. If ever in this situation, may you make a wondrous escape and laugh like a fourteen year old boy throwing beer bottles through neighborhood windows. There is no more sure way to success than the ability to remain undetected. The importance of flying under the radar is paramount, because any white-trash Rapist can walk into a bank with a ski mask and shotgun, but it takes a special breed to do business with the bank manager for thirty years and walk in for a chat and a handshake and walk out with fifty million electronic dollars.
Res ipsa loquitur.If ever you seek to raise yourself and raise yourself high high High, you must know, understand, and remember that you must elevate those around you as well. Oskar Schindler, George Jung, Jiri Orlov, Pablo Escobar, fuck even George W. know this bear/bore the fruits of this mighty and partially unknown tree. In order to get, you must give. This includes giving wonderful and extravagant gifts, unnecessary spending to promote friendship, keeping usual undesirables on your payroll, and spreading the bread down the long table of friends. What would have happened to Al Capone (Scarface) if he hadn't bought beautiful suits and lusty whores for his friends and bodyguards? He would have been one failure of a gangster. Schindler would have been caught and executed during World War II, but he understood and made use of the real golden rule: Spread the Wealth (and they'll drink to your Health.)
Never forget who your friends are. I could argue all day long about facts of the world, did this happen, or seem to? What do we really know about this incident? What would Mr. X gain by this irregular behavior? Thoughts are depressing, confusing, and above all Troublesome. As men, we are thinkers, the gods voices are not heard in our logic and reason, they are felt in our gut and the involuntary twitch of an arm when it's time to fight. Emotions can be more real and true and Right than Calculus. Mercy may give way to anger.
I'm no writer, I'm no teacher, and I'm certainly no preacher. In the end, you simply have to do things for yourself. If a man is used to walking the Valley of Darkness with nothing but a clenched fist and racing heart, going to a frat party where he knows nobody will be easier than waking up and stretching. You play as you practice, keep your training (in whatever you do) a step or four above and beyond that of your opponents and the world will ever be yours. Speed dies. Endurance lasts forever. I simply cannot bring myself to implore you people to read anymore, so I'll end here.
Festina Lente.Loyalty is a gem for which there is no price.
Dollar and cents make fools of men. Our integrity is worth less than a double-cheeseburger at Mickey D's, but once we really analyze ouselves, it is all that we really have.
So long, my short high school years. I hated you with a true passion of which few can boast, and I rid myself of you such as a member of the 17th century English aristocracy rids himself of a shit covered whore.
Sic transit Gloria mundi.
Thus passes the Glory of the world.